Rules for posting ads: Ads must be legal, accurate and truthful. Ads must not be abusive or harassing. User Responsibilities: The user is responsible for the content of their ads. They are responsible for any damage caused to other users or to the site. Advertiser Responsibilities: The advertiser is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in their ads. They are responsible for paying any registration fees or other applicable fees. Wholesaleplanet Responsibilities: Wholesaleplanet is not responsible for any damage caused to users or advertisers. Wholesaleplanet reserves the right to remove or modify ads at their discretion. Applicable Law: The applicable law is French law. Dispute Resolution Methods: Disputes must be resolved through arbitration or through court proceedings. It is important to read our Terms of Use carefully before registering on the site or posting an ad. By following the Terms of Use, you will help make the site safer and more useful for all users.